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Welcome to Renad Academy!

Renad Academy is more than a school.

We are a community established by Qatar Foundation to support the needs of children with autism in Qatar and the region. We are passionate about our work to advance the quality of living for all people with autism and work to do so alongside parents and others interested in supporting this cause.

Our school is located in Bani Hajer, where we educate children with autism to become independent and live a fulfilling life. We do this through providing individualized instruction for each child in their classroom, using only the most current and researched practices found to be effective for children with autism. Currently we start at age 3 and extend into some of the upper grades of primary school, as we add a grade level each year. We are very proud of our students and staff. Feel free to come and visit us at any time by arranging with our secretary!

Beyond the school, we have established ourselves as a key participant in Qatar’s collaborative work to fulfill the National Autism Plan. We do this through providing trainings to specialists and teachers in Qatar who also work with children with autism, training businesses to welcome people with autism, and supporting parents on how to engage with and enjoy their children with autism. We have many partnerships throughout Qatar, UK, USA, and Australia, as we believe collaboration is the foundation for the growth and sustainability of Renad Academy.

We hope this website provides you not only with information about Renad Academy and the work we do, but also about autism in general and other entities you can access to learn more. We are here to engage, educate and inspire!