Our Facilities
To further support their learning, students at Renad Academy have access to a range of specialized learning and therapy spaces.
Classroom spaces are set up following TEACCH principles, providing structured environments that enable all students to be as independent as possible and develop a range of holistic skills. Specialist furniture, equipment and resources are used to support the development of academic, communication, social, play and independence skills. Students have access to personal and class visual schedules which enable them to be aware of the content of their day.
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The library supports the academic and well-being curriculum by housing a variety of high-quality books which support students’ learning. The space is multi-purpose to enable small group learning as well as individual one-to-one sessions. Resources are available in both Arabic and English and can be checked out by students, their families and school staff.
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Outdoor Play Areas
Students have access to a range of outdoor play equipment, which offers a variety of benefits to the development of physical skills, social skills and imaginative play. The equipment also provides opportunities for the development of cognitive skills, use of the senses and problem solving and critical thinking skills.
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Occupational Therapy Gym
The Occupational Therapy gym includes sensory equipment such as swings, trampolines, and therapy balls designed to provide proprioceptive and vestibular sensory input. Students are supported by the occupational therapist to develop their fine motor skills, body awareness, social skills as well as improve their muscle strength, coordination, and balance.
Occupational Therapy Gym
Snoezelen Room
Snoezelen Multi-Sensory Environments is a therapy used to treat individuals who have autism or other developmental disorders. It entails immersing the individual in a calming and stimulating atmosphere dubbed the “Snoezelen rooms.” These rooms are purpose-built to stimulate many senses through lighting effects, color, sound, music, and smells. The tactile senses may be used to explore the combination of different materials on a wall, and the floor can be altered to engage the feeling of balance.
Snoezelen Room
Magic Carpet Room
The Magic Carpet is an incredibly powerful tool that uses interactive projection to engage students in a variety of applications, ranging from relaxing sensory cause and effect games to in-depth learning and educational themes.
Magic Carpet Room
Physical Education
Students access Physical Education sessions in the school hall throughout the week. The space has been adapted to allow structured sessions to take place, which are aided by the use of visual supports. Students are supported to develop their gross motor skills and sensory processing needs. Physical education also supports social interaction and communication.
Physical Education
Al Shaqab Equestrian Centre
Students access horse riding on a weekly basis at Al Shaqab. These sessions involve students riding a horse in order to develop their emotional and social skills, supporting their sensory processing needs as well as improving their cognitive and language skills. Students also engage with the horses through feeding and grooming.
Al Shaqab Equestrian Centre