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Our Core Values

Renad Academy is a safe haven for all who enter and wish to be celebrated!

We view Autism as a fascinating and wonderful difference in how the world is experienced and the brain functions by those impacted. We do not see it as a disability, a problem to be solved, or a disease to be cured. We enjoy interacting with and learning from people with Autism so that we can see the world, and possibly experience it, as they do. To work at Renad Academy, you must absolutely love and have a passion for working with people with Autism. We do not feel sorry for or pity people with Autism. We embrace them and support their independence and learning.

We view Autism as a fascinating and wonderful difference in how the world is experienced and the brain functions by those impacted.

We do not see it as a disability, a problem to be solved, or a disease to be cured. We enjoy interacting with and learning from people with Autism so that we can see the world, and possibly experience it, as they do. Renad Academy is a safe haven for all who enter and wish to be celebrated!

At Renad Academy, we only use strategies, which have been researched to be effective and are known around the world as “best practice”.

Over the course of the past 50 years, there have been many different methods practiced when working with people with Autism. The two most common strategies for young children are Applied Behavioral Analysis and Structured TEACCH. In addition, we include sensory integration methods, overseen by qualified Occupational Therapists, and a variety of communication therapies implemented by Speech-Language Pathologists. Common strategies incorporated as needed include: Early Start Denver Model, Attention Autism, Social Stories, PECS and other AAC methods, and social-emotional well-being supports. A School Psychologist oversees all behavioral assessment and planning. All staff receive training in all methods on an ongoing basis to insure these practices are used with fidelity to provide reliable results.

We believe all children are capable.

We believe that all children, including those highly impacted by Autism, are capable of learning when given the right environment and provided the correct teaching strategies. We understand that for some children, progress may be fast, while for others it may be slow. We celebrate each and every step of growth in the same way, as all progress is to be celebrated. We also adjust the environment and strategies to each child to best suit their learning style. Our goal is to continually make gains, no matter how small or how long it takes. We believe all children are capable.

We are here to support parents for their own well-being and the development of their child with Autism.

Parenting a child with Autism can be challenging. We have compassion for their circumstances and always make decisions with their experience in mind. Parents are just as important to us as their children and we seek to build relationships with each parent; to encourage them, sustain them, teach them . We provide a variety of trainings for our parents, including National Autistic Society’s EarlyBird Programme.

We welcome parents to participate in our school and call on us any time we are needed. We understand that the success of their child is as much reliant on the child’s home experience as it is on what they learn at school. Partnering with parents provides the best outcome for everyone involved.

We believe all children are good.

Children are not naughty, especially children with Autism. When a child with Autism displays atypical behavior, it is likely they are using their behavior to communicate with us. Even children who have speaking skills may at times choose to communicate through behavior. A tantrum on the floor may mean, “I don’t want to do that.” A pinch may mean, “You are too close to me.” It is our job to help people with Autism find a means to communicate in a more socially appropriate way, but never to punish them for trying to tell us what they cannot say.

Autism is a complex condition and there is so much more to be learned.

Autism is a complex condition and there is so much more to be learned. While we consider ourselves to be knowledgeable about Autism, we are always seeking to learn more. We understand that every person with Autism is different and that we cannot make assumptions. We must get to know every child in a personal way to create the best environment for their success. We actively engage in research to add to the knowledge sought around the world and we delight when anything new is published. We also know the best way to find out about Autism is to talk to someone who is experiencing it. Again, everyone’s experience is different, and our knowledge base acquired only goes so far when interacting with people with Autism.